“Then you will know”

The Bible gives readers a repeated alert, “Then you will know that I am the LORD.” Over seventy times. In both the Old and New Testaments. It’s spoken by prophets as from God himself, and it’s meant mainly for self-assured skeptics. Or quietly indifferent agnostics. Should we pay attention? Of course. It’s profoundly important. If …

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Living Faith

Let’s revisit our ongoing discussion of faith. It’s how humans, once dead, come alive to God. John’s gospel is a workbook on faith—or, as he prefers, on “belief” in Christ. Early in John’s gospel Nicodemus came to Jesus for spiritual coaching. And Jesus, citing Numbers 21, simply told him to “look and live” in John …

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I just moved from Camas, Washington, to Moscow, Idaho. And in my current Bible reading I’m newly sensitive to relocation stories. Both Genesis and Exodus are all about moves. In both books God relocates people as a way to build faith. He disrupts lives by creating new needs, new values, new questions, new answers, and …

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Disrupted Lives

I’m in a coffee shop as I’m writing this, and some man just got into my car outside! I had my IRS tax return payment sitting on the passenger seat. The auto-lock door hadn’t worked! So I jumped up, and as I got outside the man was already getting out. “Sorry!” he said as he …

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Empty Eyes

I sailed on the Queen Mary 2 recently. The first morning out I sat in the library watching waves reach to the horizon, with companion clouds. A few seabirds floated above the ship’s bow. It was a quiet, pleasant scene. But after an hour boredom came trolling. A ship on the ocean is all too …

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Two kinds of love

Martin Luther coined the phrase “theology of the cross” in his Heidelberg Disputation of 1518. The cross, he held, is where differences between human and divine loves are sharpest. Human love seeks personal benefits and satisfaction—whatever is good. While God’s love forms what is good in humans. “Therefore sinners are attractive because they are loved; …

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